Level 2

Title Author
A Christmas Carol #218 Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol #223 Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol #27 Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol #572 Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol #573 Charles Dickens
A Little Trouble in Amsterdam #325 Richard MacAndrew
A Little Trouble in Amsterdam #440 Richard MacAndrew
 The Scarlet Letter #83  Nathaniel Hawthorne
Alice in Wonderland #224 Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland #28 Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland #574 Lewis Caroll
Alice in Wonderland #575 Lewis Caroll
American Life #226 Vicky Shipton
American Life #267 Vicky Shipton
 The Scarlet Letter #26  Nathaniel Hawthorne
American Life #578 Vicky Shipton
American Life #579 Vicky Shipton
Apollo 13 #227 Ron Howard
Apollo 13 #30 Ron Howard
Apollo 13 #580 Ron Howard
Apollo 13 #581 Ron Howard
Apollo’s Gold #326 Antoinette Moses
Apollo’s Gold #441 Antoinette Moses
Ask Alice #327 Margaret Johnson
Ask Alice #442 Margaret Johnson
Audrey Hepburn #228 Chris Rice
Audrey Hepburn #31 Chris Rice
Audrey Hepburn #582 Chris Rice
Audrey Hepburn #583 Chris Rice
Bad Company #328 Richard MacAndrew
Bad Company #437 Richard MacAndrew
 The Scarlet Letter #29  Nathaniel Hawthorne
Barack Obama #585 Coleen Degnan-Veness
Black Beauty #230 Anna Sewell
Black Beauty #32 Anna Sewell
Black Beauty #586 Anna Sewell
Black Beauty #587 Anna Sewell
Circle Games #329 Frank Brennan
Circle Games #435 Frank Brennan
Dead Cold #330 Sue Leather
Dead Cold #432 Sue Leather
Different Worlds #433 Margaret Johnson
Dracula #33 Bram Stoker
Dragonheart #200 Adriana Gabriel
Dragonheart #588 Adriana Gabriel
Dragonheart #589 Adriana Gabriel
Extreme Sports #34 Michael Dean
Extreme Sports #35 Michael Dean
Extreme Sports #590 Michael Dean
Extreme Sports #591 Michael Dean
 The Arabian Nights #500  Ken Methold
Five Famous Fairy Tales #201 Jane Rollason
Five Famous Fairy Tales #36 Jane Rollason
Five Famous Fairy Tales #593 Jane Rollason
Five Famous Fairy Tales #594 Jane Rollason
Freckles #202 Andrew Matthews
Freckles #231 Andrew Matthews
Freckles #37 Andrew Matthews
Freckles #595 Andrew Matthews
Freckles #596 Andrew Matthews
Gandhi #232 Jane Rollason
Gandhi #599 Jane Rollason
Gulliver’s Travels #39 Jonathan Swift
Gulliver’s Travels #602 Jonathan Swift
Heidi #235 Johanna Spyri
Heidi #40 Johanna Spyri
Heidi #597 Johanna Spyri
Jojo’s Story #332 Antoinette Moses
Jojo’s Story #434 Antoinette Moses
Jurassic Park III #237 David Maule
Kidnapped #238 Robert Louis Stevenson
Kidnapped #41 Robert Louis Stevenson
Kidnapped #606 Robert Louis Stevenson
Killer Bees #333 Jane Rollason
Killer Bees #430 Jane Rollason
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table #239 Deborah Tempest
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table #42 retold by:Deborah Tempest
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table #607 Deborah Tempest
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table #608 Deborah Tempest
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table #609 Deborah Tempest
Logan’s Choice #334 Richard MacAndrew
Logan’s Choice #438 Richard MacAndrew
Marley & Me #204 John Grogan
Marley & Me #268 John Grogan
Marley & Me #612 John Grogan
Marley & Me #613 John Grogan
Moby Dick #205 Herman Melville
Moby Dick #241 Herman Melville
Moby Dick #43 Herman Melville
Moby Dick #614 Herman Melville
New Zealand #335 Margaret Johnson
New Zealand #429 Margaret Johnson
One Day #336 Helen Naylor
One Day #431 Helen Naylor
Parties and Presents: Three Short Stories #337 Katherine Mansfield
Parties and Presents: Three Short Stories #428 Katherine Mansfield
Persuasion #244 Jane Austen
Persuasion #44 Jane Austen
Persuasion #621 Jane Austen
Persuasion #622 Jane Austen
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl #245 Diana Eastment
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl #45 adapted by: Irene Trimble
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl #623 Irene Trimble
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Sea#792 Irene Trimble
Robin Hood #248 Liz Austin
Robin Hood #46 Retold by: Liz Austin
Robin Hood #629 Liz Austin
Robin Hood #630 Liz Austin
Robinson Crusoe #207 Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe #47 Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe #631 Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe #632 Daniel Defoe
Simply Suspense #253 J. Y. K. Kerr
Simply Suspense #48 Retold by: J.Y.K.  Kerr
Simply Suspense #636 J. Y. K. Kerr
Simply Suspense #637 J. Y. K. Kerr
Stranger than Fiction: Urban Myths #254 Phil Healey
Stranger than Fiction: Urban Myths #638 Phil Healey
Stranger than Fiction: Urban Myths #639 Phil Healey
Superbird #338 Brian Tomlinson
Superbird #443 Brian Tomlinson
Tales from Hans Andersen #208 Hans Andersen
Tales from Hans Andersen #259 Hans Andersen
Tales from Hans Andersen #269 Hans Andersen
Tales from Hans Andersen #50 Hans Andersen
Tales from Hans Andersen #642 Hans Andersen
Tales from Hans Andersen #643 Hans Andersen
Tales from the Arabian Nights #258 Anne Collins
Tales from the Arabian Nights #51 Retold by: Anne Collins
Tales from the Arabian Nights #640 Anne Collins
Tales from the Arabian Nights #641 Anne Collins
The Amazon Rain Forest #225 Bernard Smith
The Amazon Rain Forest #52 Bernard Smith
The Amazon Rain Forest #576 Bernard Smith
The Amazon Rain Forest #577 Bernard Smith
The Double Bass Mystery #339 Jeremy Harmer
The Double Bass Mystery #426 Jeremy Harmer
The Double Bass Mystery #570 Jeremy Harmer
The Ghost of Genny Castle #233 John Escott
The Ghost of Genny Castle #53 John Escott
The Ghost of Genny Castle #600 John Escott
The Ghost of Genny Castle #601 John Escott
The Jungle Book #236 Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book #604 Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book #605 Rudyard Kipling
The Last of the Mohicans #54 James Fenimore Cooper
The Last of the Mohicans #610 James Fenimoore Cooper
The Man from Nowhere #340 Bernard Smith
The Man from Nowhere #436 Bernard Smith
The Mummy #242 Mike Dean
The Mummy #55 Retold by: Mike Dean
The Mummy #616 Mike Dean
The Mummy #617 Mike Dean
The Mummy Returns #210 John Whitman
The Mummy Returns #618 John Whitman
The Mysterious Island  #56 Jules Verne
The Mysterious Island #243 Jules Verne
The Mysterious Island #619 Jules Verne
The New Zealand File #341 Richard MacAndrew
The New Zealand File #427 Richard MacAndrew
The Prince and the Pauper #246 Mark Twain
The Prince and the Pauper #57 Mark Twain
The Prince and the Pauper #625 Mark Twain
The Prince and the Pauper #626 Mark Twain
The Railway Children #211 E. Nesbit
The Railway Children #247 E. Nesbit
The Railway Children #627 E. Nesbit
The Railway Children #628 E. Nesbit
The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories #250 Rudyard Kipling
The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories #59 Rudyard Kipling and Others
The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories #633 Rudyard Kipling
The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories #634 Rudyard Kipling
The Scarlet Letter #212 Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter #251 Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter #60 Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter #635 Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter #794 Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter #795 Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scorpion King #252 Andy Hopkins
The Three Musketeers #255 Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers #61 Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers #644 Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers #645 Alexandre Dumas
The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor #62 Retold by: Pauline Francis
The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor #650 Pauline Francis
The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor #651 Pauline Francis
The Wind in the Willows #221 Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows #262 Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows #63 Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows #654 Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows #656 Kenneth Grahame
Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes #256 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes #64 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes #646 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes #647 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Treasure Island #648 Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island #649 Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island #65 Robert Louis Stevenson
Washington Square #270 Henry James
White Fang #652 Jack London
White Fang #653 Jack London
White Fang #66 Jack London
Within High Fences #342 Penny Hancock
Within High Fences #439 Penny Hancock

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